Vanessa Yeung "Maximizing the commercial potential for Life Science and Biomedical products using IP
Vanessa has been working in intellectual property since 2018. As a registered patent and trademark attorney in Australia and New Zealand, Vanessa enjoys assisting clients with all aspects of patent protection, including in the drafting of patent specifications, infringement analyses as well as in the prosecution of patent applications in Australia, New Zealand and other major jurisdictions, including in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and South America.
Vanessa has extensive qualifications and research experience in biology, particularly in the fields of molecular biology, biotechnology, stem cell and cancer biology, microbiology, genetics, genomics, cell biology and biochemistry. Through practical experience, she has also acquired analytical skills in the areas of Medical Devices and Mechanical Engineering.
Throughout her studies, Vanessa received multiple awards based on her scientific research accomplishments and presentations. One of her most prestigious awards included her receipt of the 2014 Doctoral Researcher Award in the UK. This award recognised academic and scientific excellence in her Ph.D. research, whereby she was able to significantly advance the fields of mitochondrial genetics and cancer biology.
Vanessa has studied in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.
Prior to joining MBIP, Vanessa worked at several IP firms drafting patent specifications for local clients, filing provisional applications in Australia, as well as prosecuting patent applications within Australia, New Zealand and overseas.
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