Monday 30 October 2023 |
8.00am |
Registrations Open |
Workshop 1 |
9.00am |
Quality Management System for Biorisk Management: ISO 35001:2019 |
Presenter: |
Dr Stefan Wagener | DG (Director General, retired) for the GOC (Government of Canada) |
4.00pm |
Conclusion |
Workshop 2 |
9.00am |
PC3 Facilities Workshop |
Presenters: |
Nathan Woods | MPI |
Andrew Hill and Joshua Magor | ACDP |
Gilles Tremblay | Merrick & Company |
4.00pm |
Conclusion |
Workshop 3 |
9.00am |
Plant Biosecurity |
Presenter: |
Anthony Young | University of Queensland |
12.15pm |
Conclusion |
Workshop 4 |
1.00pm |
Understanding and Verifying Thermal Treatment Systems |
Presenters: |
Gary W. Schmidt | PRI Bio, USA |
Brett Cole | Biosafety Ltd |
Neil Slater | CSIRO ACDP |
4.15pm |
Conclusion |
Tuesday 31 October 2023 |
8.00am |
Registrations Open |
Workshop 5 |
9.00am |
Quality Management System for Biorisk Management: ISO 35001:2019 |
Presenter: |
Dr Stefan Wagener | DG (Director General, retired) for the GOC (Government of Canada) |
4.00pm |
Conclusion |
Workshop 6 |
9.00am |
Auditing Biorisk Management Programs - What you need to know |
Presenters: |
June Freeland | Chair ABSANZ Education and Training Committee |
Lisa van Duin | The University of Melbourne |
4.00pm |
Conclusion |
Workshop 7 |
9.00am |
Inspiring Preparedness Measures for Turbulent Times (Tools to effect change) |
Presenters: |
Liz Collins | IBC Executive Officer/ Biosafety Officer (University of South Australia) |
12.15pm |
Conclusion |
Workshop 8 |
1.00pm |
Basic Laboratory design for non-designers |
Presenters: |
Stephen Coulter | Coulter Advisory |
Richard Sale | Sale Laboratory Architecture Consultancy |
4.15pm |
Conclusion |
5.00pm |
Welcome Drinks - Exhibition Room |
Wednesday 1 November 2023 |
8.00am |
Registrations Open |
9.00am |
Welcome - WanaHaka Maori Culture |
9.20am |
Presidential Welcome and setting the scene |
Michelle McConnell | ABSANZ President |
"Biosafety and Biosecurity - past, present and future" |
Brett Cole | Platinum Sponsor Address |
10.30am |
Morning tea, exhibition hall |
10.50am |
Session One |
2023 Tony Della-Porta Oration |
Jemma Geoghegan |Professor, Dept of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Otago |
Royal Society Te Aparangi Rutherford Discovery Fellow |
"Exploring Aotearoa’s virosphere" |
11.50am |
Mark Sistrom | Northern Australia Biosecurity Sequencing Network |
"NABSeq; Bringing high throughput sequencing to biosecurity in Northern Australia " |
Hannah Andrews | Northern Australia Biosecurity Sequencing Network |
"Using Wildlife as an Approach to Animal Disease Surveillance" |
Andrew Hill | CSIRO-ACDP |
"Never say Never: Facilitating the import of LSDV into an Australian laboratory" |
12.45pm |
Lunch |
Session Two |
1.30pm |
The long-awaited AS/NZS 2243.3: 2022 revision - an information update for operators, builders, designers and regulators |
Neil Walls | Neil Walls Consulting |
"Summary of changes in the new revised standard " |
Discussion Panel AS/NZS 2243.3: 2022 revision |
Neil Walls | Neil Walls Consulting |
Michelle McConnell | ABSANZ President |
Lisa van Duin | University of Melbourne |
2.30pm |
Break |
2.45pm |
Session Three |
Saima Mohsin | University of Karachi-75270, Pakistan |
"Virtual Dual Use Research of Concern Training in Pakistan’s Scientific Community" |
Ida Susanti | Health Policy Agency, MoH of Indonesia |
"Follow up actions after pandemic on biorisk challenges in time of shortcoming supplies of biosafety equipment and bsl-2 facilities in Indonesia." |
Tracey Nelson | Lincoln University |
"Recovery and lessons learnt from a Mycoplasma bovis response" |
Greer Meehan | CSIRO |
"Down the rabbit hole we go - Navigating the unknown" |
3.45pm |
Afternoon Tea, exhibition |
Session Four |
4.00pm |
Ann Cornish | VIDRL |
"Implementation of ISO35001: One approach" |
Hanh Thi Minh Bui |Hanoi Medical University |
"Intergrating ISO 35001:2019 into Continuous Medical Education (CME) courses to enhance the capacity of Public Health Laboratory System (PHLS) in Vietnam: Oppotunities and Challenges" |
Michael Marsico | Association of Public Health Laboratories |
"Piloting the iso 35001 standard: cruising towards biorisk management " |
4.50pm |
Break |
5.00pm |
5.30pm |
Networking Event Clancy Room Bar |
Thursday 2 November 2023 |
8.30am |
Registrations Open |
Session Five |
8.45am |
Dr Joseph O’Keefe |Manager, Animal Health Laboratory at Ministry for Primary Industries Manatu Ahu Matua based in Wellington. |
"Containment Laboratory Solutions for Biosecurity Emergencies; A New Zealand Perspective" |
9.45am |
Break |
Session Six |
9.50am |
Peter Lutkic | Price Holyoake (NZ) Limited |
"Critical Space Room Pressure Control " |
Colin Sakinofsky and David Fletcher | L2D |
"Creating a PC2 compliant refurbishment with exposed services that is PC2 ready" |
10.45am |
Morning tea, exhibition, |
Session Seven |
11.00am |
Regulatory Discussion Panel "The Role of Regulators in Turbulent Times" |
Caroline Gibson |Principal Director, Approved Arrangements| Compliance & Enforcement Division |
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
Heidi Mitchell | Director - Contained Dealings Evaluation Section |
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator Australian Government Department of Health |
Richard Spence| Manager Assurance, Biosafety and Containment |
Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand |
Manatu Ahu Matua Shai Joseph| Food Standards Australia New Zealand Te Mana Kounga Kai Tim Strabala| Environmental Protection Authority Te Mana Rauhi Taiao |
12.00pm |
Lunch |
Session Eight |
1.15pm |
Dr Stefan Wagener |DG (Director General, retired) for the GOC (Government of Canada) |
“Gain of Function Research and the Implications to Biorisk Management – The case for Bioethics Review” |
2.15pm |
Afternoon Tea, exhibition |
Session Nine |
2.35pm |
Graeme Spencer, Rod Howard,Simone Benvenuti | CSIRO & HDR |
"Part life refit of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) in Geelong" |
Amy Papas |HDR |
"Under the Microscope: Solving Complex Challenges with Game-Changing Laboratory Design" Ben Henson | BECA Complex "Designing Sustainable High-Rise Laboratories in the Tropics"
3.45pm |
End of Session |
7.00pm |
Conference Dinner |
Friday 3 November 2023 |
8.00am |
Registrations Open |
Session Ten |
9.00am |
Professor Kirstin Ross | Flinders University |
"Teaching risk assessment to science (and nonscience) students using a Zombie Apocalypse scenario" |
10.00am |
Morning tea |
Session Eleven |
10.20am |
Joshua Magor | CSIRO |
"Directional Airflow Versus Differential Pressures – A cautionary tale of misdirection" |
Richard Swainsbury | MPI |
"Emergency egress from PC3 – decontaminating staff in a medical emergency" |
Brad George | Wood |
"Containment Requirements for Glasshouses " |
Emma Morris | MPI |
"Body Modification and the Laboratory Environment – a korero about safety and bodily autonomy " |
11.30am |
Conference Closing Ceremony |